- Community Level (Village)
Strengthening self-reliance, solidarity and critical thinking of local communities to protecting and managing their livelihoods resources sustainably.
- Public Level
Gaining public support at local, national and international levels for advocacy movements on environment and alternative education.
- Networks Level
Strengthening and expanding YMP Sulteng’s networks with NGOs, Media, Civil Society Organizations, professional bodies, and higher education institutions to strengthen advocacy movements on environment and alternative education.
- Policy Level
Providing recommendations on changes in natural resources management policies and basic services at national and district levels, ensuring that indigenous and local communities can enjoy the benefits.
- Institutional Level
Implementing transparent and accountable organizational governance in encouraging environmental advocacy movements.
To achieve the strategic issues above, YMP Sulteng adopts 4 key strategic approaches. These are:
- Community Development and Organizing
Community development and organizing is an important and effective strategy for interventions to facilitate the development of local communities and their potential strengths, critical awareness and autonomy. The focus is on activities relating to action research, organizing, social education, strengthening a network of groups and community organizations, as well as facilitation and consultation processes between communities and diverse interest groups.
- Policy Advocacy
YMP Sulteng recognizes that the capacity to strengthen the rights and autonomy of local communities – in the political, economic, social-cultural life, and also in managing natural resources and the environment, is only effective if it is supported by legal and political recognition at the local and national levels. Hence policy advocacy is another important component of YMP Sulteng’s work.
Policy advocacy is encouraged through joint movements with other civil society organizations or groups. Research, policy analysis, dialogue and public hearing, as well as public pressure, are major approaches in policy advocacy. YMP supports and participates actively in various advocacy networks at local, national and international levels.
- Public Campaign
To advocate policies that are just and in favor of the interests of local communities, public pressure and support is a very influential factor. The transformation movements in the local communities will also be more meaningful if it gets public appreciation. In this regard, campaigns to influence general public opinion and awareness is a necessary strategic step. Campaigns are directed at spreading information about various fundamental issues facing the local communities and their environment and to promote counter-discourse on mainstream discourse that is detrimental to the interests of local communities. Dissemination of information and alternative discourse is done through seminars, discussions, trainings and publications. YMP Sulteng also publishes a periodic newsletter “SILO” to support its campaigns.
- Capacity Building
Capacity building is a strategic step that is no less important than the three main strategies above. However, the transformative movement that will be encouraged will not be effective and sustainable if it is not supported by adequate capacity of the community, YMP Sulteng management and other movement partners. Thus, YMP Sulteng emphasizes capacity building as one of the strategies, conducted through training, internship, exchange visits, technical assistance and so on. Increasing critical capacity, organizational skills, program planning and expertise in certain sectors are the main targets of this strategy.
@Translated by Carol Yong from the original in Indonesian